Editing / Coaching

Good writing requires a human touch. There is simply no substitute for the wisdom and encouragement a writing coach can offer. With more than 30 years of experience editing all kinds of documents, I have seen it all!

Investing time to consult early in your project can save you loads of time and money later. With only an hour or two, I may be able to streamline your process, create an outline for your project, and get you started on the right path!


We can connect via Zoom to discuss the best way to organize your work or discuss your writing style.

Developmental Editing

We can design your work to appeal to your tribe and provide your reader with a great experience .

Formatting & Copyediting

Our team can edit your text to fit the style sheet of your press or other publications in your discipline.


As a person with ADHD, I understand how difficult it can be to learn to work in the best way for your unique brain. Instead of forcing yourself to work in an unhealthy way, we can create the most effective strategy to fit your unique project and the way your mind works.

We writers always face the challenge of knowing what to cut and what to keep, but I try to keep as much of my clients’ writing as possible so as to save time. Sometimes, there is no choice, but with thoughtful editing, a lot can be saved or repurposed. 

If you were inspired by a book that has been published already, that press might be interested in your work, too. If you don’t have a similar type of publication in mind already, I can help locate presses that publish similar items.  I am also familiar with the self-publishing process if you think that may be the route for you. 

I know plenty of pro-tips to help get you started and create an efficient work schedule. 

I’m flexible about payment options. A big project can be broken down chapter by chapter, or in other ways that will work for the client. Monthly payments can be arranged for a large project, too. If you think I might be able to help, please don’t let concerns about finances keep you from getting in touch, as there is a good chance we can work something out.


All of us suffer from writer’s block from time to time. There are lots of tricks that can help you convert that block into a “creative pause” that carries your work to the next level.  

Ready To Move Forward?

During your free consultation, we can discuss your road to publication!